Display a help value using function modules on an F4 event.
* Local Data ----------------------------------------------------------- data: ls_shlp type shlp_descr. data: ls_interface type ddshiface. data: ls_interface_inp like line of it_interface. data: ld_subrc type sy-subrc. data: ld_flg_active type boole-boole. * check input parameter ------------------------------------------------ if id_shlpname is initial. zcx_pbw_gui=>gd_dmy = text-001. raise exception type zcx_pbw_gui exporting textid = zcx_pbw_gui=>error_shlp var1 = zcx_pbw_gui=>gd_dmy . endif. * get description of search help --------------------------------------- call function 'F4IF_GET_SHLP_DESCR' exporting shlpname = id_shlpname importing shlp = ls_shlp exceptions others = 1. if ( sy-subrc <> 0 ). zcx_pbw_gui=>gd_dmy = text-002. raise exception type zcx_pbw_gui exporting textid = zcx_pbw_gui=>error_shlp var1 = zcx_pbw_gui=>gd_dmy . endif. * mark all entries for which we want to have some values back loop at ls_shlp-interface into ls_interface. ls_interface-valfield = 'X'. * if we have input values write them in search help structure read table it_interface into ls_interface_inp with key shlpfield = ls_interface-shlpfield valtabname = ls_interface-valtabname. if ( sy-subrc = 0 ). ls_interface-value = ls_interface_inp-value. endif. " sy-subrc = 0 modify ls_shlp-interface from ls_interface. endloop. * call search help call function 'F4IF_START_VALUE_REQUEST' exporting shlp = ls_shlp * multisel = i_multisel importing rc = ld_subrc tables return_values = rt_values exceptions others = 1. if ( sy-subrc <> 0 ). zcx_pbw_gui=>gd_dmy = text-002. raise exception type zcx_pbw_gui exporting textid = zcx_pbw_gui=>error_shlp var1 = zcx_pbw_gui=>gd_dmy . endif.